Hey guys, like beer or music or good vibes? Well Oktoberfest is the event for you! If there is one thing to know about us, it is that we love theme parks, beer and live music. Well it will be no surprise that Oktoberfest is our favourite event in the theme park calendar. The atmosphere, the vibes and the fun is just on another level. I appreciate most people enjoy Halloween more with the thrill of a scare and night rides being appealing for a lot of people, but for me at least, that does not sound fun. Scares are not for me, what can I say? Now, there is an allure to this event, you only get about 4 weeks to take in all the beer and bratwursts you can but there is such a charming side to this event. So, lets start with the food and drink side of things. Well the beer is always great, both Alton Towers and Thorpe Park have similar selections with a couple of German beers along with a couple of classics to keep those of you who are maybe less adventurous when it comes to alcoh...
In exciting news and a long time away, the blog is back! No promises on how regular it will be but hopefully this will be more consistent again. Now despite sitting on a lot of ideas and posts that are already written, I wanted to talk about events in the enthusiast community. As you may be aware, we went on our first event last weekend and to put it short, we had an amazing time. I thought it may be useful to write up my thoughts on events now the metaphorical dust has settled. Making the Leap I will admit, I was hesitant of going on an event for a while. After enough of seeing people have fun and not being involved we decided to try and get on an event. I booked on to the Pleasure Beach Experience September Event and after some convincing Austin booked on for the first day as well. This was nerve wracking, mainly due to the fact we are awkward people and I'm really anxious, especially meeting new people. Ultimately, it is somewhat of a leap of faith, you book on to that first ev...