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My Ideal Park: Part 2

 Welcome back to this series, going through my ideal park that I am pretending to create. The main aim is to make an immersive, well themed, fun and exciting park and ultimately tailored to what I like to see in theme parks across the globe and drawing plenty of inspiration from these places. In this second part, we will be looking at the first 2 of 5 large themed area- these will be a Space and Jungle theme, situated on the immediate left of the entrance via a path through some trees will be the Space themed area and then travelling through a path to past the Space theme to the Jungle themed land. 

Space Land

To cover this, as I appreciate this s a relatively vague theme. This is set in 50 years time where society has set up a city on the moon. I know it's not too original but it seems pretty neat to me and think done right, will be the signature area of the park, aiming to be Phantasialand level theming across the park but this one just being pushed that bit further to stun guests. 

B&M Hyper

I draw heavy inspiration from Hyperion at Energylandia, I was originally going to back it up all the way with an Intamin but had to revert to B&M as they look too good. A black track with dark blue supports. This is designed to showcase what society has achieved in this progression, essentially the story is just a tour for new arrivals at what to expect in their new home. Throughout the queue is an AI welcoming and explaining the procedure, plenty of props and a climactic soundtrack building up the hype further. In terms of layout this will be a traditional out and back with some nice elements such as a large over-banked turn around section and splash down. 

Vekoma Shockwave

This may seem weird, I thought their had to be a launch coaster in this area, really making it feel futuristic? Not sure if that's how it works but it's my rationale at least. I know this was not as good as expected with Abyssus but I still back it to fir a nice vibe and still good ride experience. About 3 inversions, a bit of air time, two powerful launches, top hat, low to the ground moments and it will be a great ride. The story will be about evacuating a lunar powered energy plant as it goes into meltdown, the red lights will start flashing and the doors will start to close and then you're launched away. Kind of weird idea but I think it will work well and be a popular ride. 

Zamperla Nebulaz

Not a whole load to say about this, meant to be themed as a machine to allow visitors to get used to the new gravitational force while on the moon. It looks like a great flat ride, not many around and should offer a bit of filler for the area and ease the queue times. 

Dark Ride

Not much of a surprise for me to be whacking these in everywhere but this one should be a real blockbuster. Has to be a trackless one and needs to be themed incredibly well. In terms of detail it should be something like Symbolica at Efteling but with a space theme. Telling the story of how this city was built and the power of community. Screens will be used as backgrounds while animatronics and props to really sell the idea but also a undertone that this is all a set up with the end showing that there is a dark side of the moon. 

Jungle Area

Not as much of a storyline with this one but the loose idea is that while on a jungle safari (because those exist) the car crashes and you're now here! Should be a light hearted area of the park kind of a mix between Katanga Canyon, Jungle Cruise and Toucan Tours. I also want a jungle themed restaurant too to offer a variety to guests.

RMC Raptor

So this idea really seems to pop to me, a raptor has one rail- make it a snake swerving through the jungle. As far as raptors go, this one should have a custom layout and try to stick relatively low to the ground through trees an bushes and rocks, popping under and over to give plenty of near misses- on particular a massive log head chopper. A few snappy inversions sprinkled in just to add variety, this should just be great ride for the park and one that will for some reason have a short queue. 

GCI Wooden Coaster

I was inevitably going to put in a wooden coaster and well I chose here and fit in better than anywhere else in my opinion. This should be pretty tall and be an absolute monster with air time after air time moment. I'd describe this as similar to Colossos at Heide Park but the GCI equivalent. This thematically will be based on the wild jungle and a hunt taking place with the riders acting as the prey. 


Got to have some water rides! Something themed about going down the white water river situated in the Jungle, almost like travelling down the Amazon. This should be a proper rapids, one where you will get wet guaranteed but not too wet, unlike those we have in the UK. A few additional effects to make it a bit more exciting but overall this should just be fun and suitable for all ages.

Zamperla Disk'O

I think every park should have one of these, they are a lot of fun, fun for most ages and offer some thrilling moments. Very much inspired by the one at Chessington but themed to a monkey swinging through the trees and this will just be a light hearted ride where it appears the monkeys have taken over the crash site. This will have some fun on board audio and a popular ride hopefully. 

Right so that's it! Right in the thick of it now and some real detail of how I want this park to be. Hopefully this has painted the picture I want it to and will be engaging series as we hit the halfway mark. The Space theme is my personal favourite but I am excited to share the next parts with the next one being on the Middle Ages and Western themed areas of the park as we detail how much more this park will have to offer. 

As always, thank you for reading and let me know what you think of the park so far!

Take care and see you in the next post

Tom ✌


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